Unknown Ways To Find Content Ideas That You Are Missing Out

6 Unknown Ways To Find Content Ideas Cover

If you still think that creating content around topics that you like or you think people would love to read is a way to find content ideas, then you are doing it all wrong. 

The content that you publish helps Google associate your niche. In fact, 70% of your organic traffic depends on how great your content really is. This means you cannot randomly find content ideas and start speaking about it. Finding new content ideas and creating great content needs a lot of research. 

Today, I am going to show you 6 unknown ways to find content ideas that you are completely missing out on. 

1. Reddit

Yes, you read that right. One of the best ways of finding great content ideas which are trending is Reddit. 

A pro way of doing this is by getting a Reddit Keyword Tool Planner. All you have to do is put in the subreddit in the tool and you get a bunch of ideas that people are talking about around that subreddit. 

You can select the best of the lot and pull out sprouted keywords through SemRush, Ubersuggest and any other tool. 

2. Your Competitor’s YouTube Channel

Youtube website screengrab

YouTube has become the next go-to place for most of the audience after Google. Which means that people are wanting to know about certain things which you may not have covered but your competitor has. 

Go to their YouTube channel and use the “Most Popular” filter to see what your audience is interested in. Out of all the most popular videos, pick the video that has the most views. And there you go, you have a brand new content idea. All you need is to do thorough research before starting off the topic. 

It is given that if the content has been used by your competitors and people are watching it, there is a demand that exists. Fill the demand, create a blog or a YouTube video or an Instagram campaign around it. A great way to find content ideas, tweaking it according to you fancy and making it available to users. 

3. Blog Comments

The ultimate place to go for finding content ideas is the comment section of your blog. People are always talking about their interests and asking questions in the comment section. Make use of it!

Blog comment section is not only a place to engage with your user but to also cater to what they are looking for. By creating a new content from their comments will inculcate a sense of community. Include your readers, make them a part of your blog, answer their queries with full-length content and they will always remember you for caring. 

Meanwhile, you will have something to write about!

4. Google Image Section

You may not know this but the Google image section can do much more than help you download desktop backgrounds. It can give you content ideas.

Let me tell you how!

Put in a broad keyword in the Google image search and you will find little keywords on the top. Something like this. 

Choose the keyword of your desire and you will have more such sub-keywords popping up. Pick up a medium tail keyword with low competition and decent volume. Weave a story around it and give it an amazing title. 

There! You just found yourself a great content idea.

5. Facebook Ad Library

An untapped, gold mine to find content ideas. But you thought that Facebook Ad Library was just a place to look out for ad campaigns. Like I said, it is an untapped palace for content ideas. Search your niche to find the ads that are running for it. 

You don’t really have to give a lot of importance to squeeze pages. Instead, keep a keen eye for Facebook boosted posts that are promoting pieces that they have written. Well, if a person is paying to promote a content piece, it definitely means that the content is performing well. 

In fact, you will also get the exact catchphrase in their description. Which will help you understand the topic that they are trying to cover in that particular blog. Besides, it comes in handy for you to use this when you set to promote your blog. 

6. Google Search Related To Section

If you are a strategist, you would know that medium and long-tail keywords make a huge impact on your traffic. One of the great ways to get hold of these keywords and find a content idea is to look for the Google Search “Related to” section. Just type a broad keyword and scroll down. You will see a bunch of other keywords below. Keep repeating this until you find your ideal content topic.

Pro Tip: You can also get a few content ideas by simply starting to type a broader keyword on the search bar. Google is smart enough to suggest ideas that are trending and you can choose your fancy from it.

Bonus: Instagram

But how can Instagram help me find content ideas? 

Instagram can help you survive life, finding content ideas is just a piece of cake for Instagram. Start with simply clicking on the profiles of people who are following your business page and looking out for what they are talking about. 

Read through their description, stories and try to find out the brands that they are communicating to, about or engaging with. Some may lead to absolutely no road ahead, but others can get your brainstorming. And as a content creator, I am sure your brain is a warehouse of ideas. 

If needed, you can directly message your followers or post an “Ask me a question” on Instagram story. For instance, if you have a fashion brand, ask your followers about the kind of colours they like to wear during winters. 

This will get them thinking and answering. Meanwhile, you can enjoy a gush of unattended, un-thought about content ideas. 

Over To You

It is okay to not be able to come up with content ideas. Creator’s block is something that most of us have gone through. But the world is a great place and ideas come to people who are looking for it. 

Reach out to the closest possible tool. It is okay to plagiarize once in a while. Take help of the same resources you publish your content on.  Make a list of these ideas, research well and you will definitely find a content idea you can immediately start working around. 

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