Impact of social media marketing on consumer buying behaviour

In today’s world, social media has become a vital tool for internet shoppers. It’s no wonder that businesses of all kinds have turned to social media to locate and engage with their target customers. Consumers are 71 per cent more likely to make a purchase based on social network referrals, according to the numbers.

consumer buying behavior
consumer buying behaviour

Millennials are the group that spends the most time online, with social media influencing 47 percent of their purchases. They’re also 1.6 times more likely to learn about new products through internet media. As a result, social media platforms are in a great position to run successful digital marketing initiatives.

The Consumer Buying Behaviour

Understanding how customer buying behaviour works will help you establish your best practices before investing in social media advertising and other marketing methods if you keep these facts in mind.

The study of how individuals and organizations choose and use products and services is known as consumer buying behaviour. This focuses mostly on psychology, motivations, and behaviours, such as how individuals pick between companies, research and shop, and how marketing efforts can be enhanced so that brands can effectively impact them.

Personal, psychological, and societal aspects can all impact consumer purchasing decisions. Personal aspects are the hobbies and attitudes of a person, which are influenced by their demographics. Psychological elements include their ability to grasp information and how they perceive their requirements. Finally, social influences include peer groups, socioeconomic strata, and even the effect of social media.

Everyone goes through the buying process, even if they have different factors to consider while making purchases. This process is ongoing, with customers at various stages at any given time.

buying process
buying process

Need Recognition

This is the point at which customers recognize they require something and that purchasing it will satisfy that need. It can be anything from needing to replace clothes to seeing a movie trailer, wanting to buy a ticket, and viewing it out of curiosity or interest.

This is an opportunity for organizations to use various marketing methods to assist prospects in recognizing a need or reevaluating an existing one.

Search for Product Information

This is the point at which customers recognize they require something and that purchasing it will satisfy that need. It can be anything from needing to replace clothes to seeing a movie trailer, wanting to buy a ticket, and viewing it out of curiosity or interest.

This is an opportunity for organisations to use various marketing methods to assist prospects in recognising a need or reevaluating an existing one.

Product Evaluation

Product Evaluation
Product Evaluation

Consumers frequently utilise evaluative criteria based on their priorities because many different products could meet their demands. They think about their needs to help narrow down their options. At this point, your marketing efforts should be aimed at persuading prospects that their criteria fit the qualities of your product.

Purchase Decision

The customer has examined a number of things and made comparisons based on their evaluative criteria. They’re on the verge of making a crucial decision: to buy or not to buy. Businesses should concentrate on instilling a sense of security in their customers and providing convincing reminders of their requirements.


This is the point at which the customer has made the decision to buy something. However, problems like cumbersome checkout processes, difficult-to-navigate eCommerce sites, and sluggish or malfunctioning parts might still cause you to lose a prospect. Keeping the procedure simple and straightforward can mean the difference between a successful sale and a missed opportunity.

Post-purchase Use and Evaluation

Post-purchase Use and Evaluation
Post-purchase Use and Evaluation

The purchasing process does not end after the item is purchased. Your customer’s experience with the goods will determine whether or not they are satisfied with their purchase. Customer satisfaction surveys and thank-you emails can assist you to handle any issues that result from dissatisfaction while also establishing a relationship with those who were satisfied.

Social Media Factors That Influence Consumer Buying Behaviour

As previously said, social media can have a significant impact on consumer purchasing decisions. Here are some of the ways social media influences your target market’s behaviour.

Social Media Factors That Influence Consumer Buying Behavior
Social Media Factors That Influence Consumer Buying Behavior

Reviews from influencers

Individuals with a large social media following are referred to as “social influencers.” Influencers are social media savvy, and they frequently tag the store or brand of the things they’re utilising, providing these businesses with a broad demographic reach.

Regardless of whether or not their posts are sponsored, their followers can be persuaded to make a purchase.

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Reviews from social media connections

The original goal of social media was to bring people together and allow them to share knowledge. Now, customers may utilise social media to express their thoughts on a product or brand more quickly and with a wider audience. There’s no doubting the influence it has on your target market, with 81 percent of consumers contemplating purchases based on recommendations from friends.
Brand’s social media presence

Selling things and services on the internet isn’t enough. In the sea of information available to social media users, your business must stand out and be recognizable. Having a consistent and distinct voice on your preferred social media platform, as well as a regularly updated feed, can improve your brand’s image and trustworthiness among your existing followers and prospects, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Social media advertising

Social media advertising
Social media advertising

As social media continues to reach a larger audience, social media advertising has made hypertargeting and retargeting possible. This enables firms to develop more intelligent marketing campaigns that reach their target demographic while utilising their resources to the fullest.

“Trending” and “Popular” algorithms

Facebook and Instagram have switched from chronologically presenting content in their newsfeeds to displaying ones with the most engagements first. This algorithm can be used by brands and corporations to encourage likes, comments, and shares on their content. This action may also encourage dialogue between businesses and consumers, as well as influence overall brand perception.

Use Social Media to Your Brand’s Advantage

Use Social Media to Your Brand’s Advantage
Use Social Media to Your Brand’s Advantage

With the emergence of social media, consumer behaviour has evolved, though it is still influenced by personal, psychological, and societal aspects. Businesses must seize every opportunity to get in front of their target audiences now that they have access to an almost unlimited ocean of information at any given time.

With the correct methods in place, your company can successfully use social media to turn visitors into consumers.

social media influence 71% consumer buying decisions

social media influence 71% consumer buying decisions
social media influence 71% of consumer buying decisions

What effect does social media have on consumer purchasing decisions? What is the current state of social media buying? What can be done about it in the future? Aleh Barysevich, the founder and CMO of SEO PowerSuite and Awario, answers all of these issues.
Due to the lockout, a major portion of purchases are now performed online, and this percentage is expected to increase significantly by 2020.

Online retail is predicted to rise tremendously as the number of internet users grows and software companies create more ways to integrate the online world into buying. Many consumer purchasing decisions are made online, and people spend the majority of their internet time on social media.

According to GlobalWebIndex, 54 per cent of social media users use the platform to investigate products, and 71 percent are more likely to buy products and services after hearing about them on social media.

It’s difficult to say how much social media influences customers’ buying patterns in general, not simply what they buy. Social media has altered the way we market things and even provided us with new avenues for advertising. Let’s take a look at some of the current factors that influence customers.

How social media influences consumer buying decisions

The shortened customer journey

The shortened customer journey is the first thing you notice when it comes to customers on social media. It used to be that people learned about a product, saw it advertised on TV several times, and then went shopping the following week to buy it. This procedure can now take minutes.

According to a Deloitte study, 29% of social media users are more inclined to make a purchase the same day they use the platform.

29% of social media users are more inclined to make a purchase the same day they use the platform.
29% of social media users are more inclined to make a purchase the same day they use the platform.

the hat is, once consumers see a product, they simply click on the link and purchase it; there is no need for them to wait before shopping.

Furthermore, shoppers who are influenced by social media are four times more likely to spend more on goods, according to the same survey.

The client journey has become not only shorter but also more complicated. Users may now conduct product research more easily thanks to social media. If a buyer discovers a product on Instagram, for example, they may quickly search the hashtag to read other reviews and determine whether or not to buy it. As a result, customers devote more time to study and consult more review sources.
Sixty-two per cent of customers say they tell others about their terrible customer service experiences. As a result, it’s critical to monitor your internet reputation and seek out social media reviews. Remember that every social media review matters — which ties in neatly with my following suggestion.

The influence of social proof

Social proof isn’t a new concept: we’ve been giving one other recommendation for generations because man is a social animal. The problem is that hundreds of individuals can now hear these recommendations and counter-recommendations.

Your social media followers will see your tweets or posts about this fantastic cafe or the shampoo that worked wonders for your hair and may be inspired to try it as well. Negative opinions and rants are treated the same way. According to Forbes, 81 percent of buyers are impacted by their friend’s social media posts while making shopping decisions.

Furthermore, on social media, people seek recommendations on a regular basis (and brands unfortunately often ignore them). Only 9% of brand discussions are answers to customer questions, according to Awario, yet depending on the business, there can be over 100 people asking for recommendations on social media in a month.

As previously said, social proof mostly affects your friends and acquaintances. However, an increasing number of people on social media follow influencers in addition to their friends. This is where influencer marketing enters the picture.

The power of influencers on consumer buying decisions

Furthermore, on social media, people seek recommendations on a regular basis (and brands unfortunately often ignore them). Only 9% of brand discussions are answers to customer questions, according to Awario, yet depending on the business, there can be over 100 people asking for recommendations on social media in a month.

The power of influencers on consumer buying decisions
The power of influencers on consumer buying decisions

As previously said, social proof mostly affects your friends and acquaintances. However, an increasing number of people on social media follow influencers in addition to their friends. This is where influencer marketing enters the picture.

Finding social media influencers in your niche — Instagram bloggers, vloggers, TikTokers, or Facebook group managers — is a terrific method to reach your audience if you’re offering a specialized product.

84 per cent of millennials say user-generated content from strangers has at least some influence on how they spend their money, indicating that Gen Z and Millenials are more likely to be affected.

The influence of Stories on consumer buying decisions

Ephemeral content is a newer trend, but it’s already gaining popularity among social media users and marketers. Although Snapchat was the first to employ Stories as a format, Instagram was the one to popularize it, with over 500 million daily active users.

Instagram Stories material is often more raw and uncensored, allowing marketers to project a more realistic image. It allows businesses to take customers behind the scenes and reveal how they function their work culture, and the people that make their products. All of this contributes to a genuine relationship with a brand.

These are the unique elements of social media that influence client behaviour nowadays. However, as you are surely aware, each social networking site is unique. Brands frequently wonder which social media channel they should prioritize. Let’s take a look at a few of the most popular platforms and see what sets them apart.

Most popular social media platforms



Despite its share of scandals and problems in recent years, Facebook remains the world’s most popular social networking site (with almost 1.7 billion users).

Because of the network’s size, you’ll be able to reach out to more people, but keep in mind that Facebook isn’t as popular as it once was. According to Edison Research’s Infinite Dial study from early 2019, 62 percent of 12–34-year-olds in the United States use Facebook, down from 67 percent in 2018 and 79 percent in 2017. This drop is especially significant because consumption among the 35–54 and 55+ age groups has remained stable or even increased.



Instagram is a fantastic platform for brands since it allows you to showcase your goods in a variety of ways, including photographs, videos, Stories, galleries, filters, and more. It now has a monthly active user base of over one billion people.

What’s nice about the platform is that it appeals to people of all generations and from all around the world. A business account is followed by 80% of Instagram users. 73 per cent of American teenagers believe that the greatest way for marketers to contact them with new items or promotions is through Instagram.

Furthermore, the platform makes shopping easier by including shopping tags and checkout choices in the posts. Every month, 130 million Instagram accounts click on a shopping post to learn more about products.



According to Hubspot, Twitter is a source of product discovery for many users,

It’s a great place to ask for recommendations because of its speed and capacity to interact with almost everyone. According to SproutSocial, 53% of consumers promote businesses or items via tweets, with another 48% going on to buy those products or services.



There is still discussion as to whether YouTube is a social media platform or more of a streaming or content platform. Nonetheless, it is one of the most widely used platforms.

People are increasingly using the platform to search for product reviews. Keep in mind that 80% of those who said they watched a YouTube video relevant to a product they wanted to buy did so at the start of their purchasing process.

It can be a highly gratifying activity if you’re willing to put in the effort to create YouTube content. Take a peek at the BonAppetit channel, which is affiliated with the same-named magazine. When the magazine’s total circulation does not exceed 1,600,000 copies per year, it has nearly 6 million subscribers and over 1,3 billion views.


As you can see from the facts and our daily Internet experience, it’s difficult to deny that social media has an impact on purchasing decisions. Many factors contribute to the impact of social media on client purchasing decisions, including social proof, social media penetration, and the availability of online shopping.

However, making your brand stand out on social media is becoming increasingly tough. You may accomplish this by focusing on the correct platform, developing creative social media marketing campaigns, and utilising cutting-edge technology.

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